
Dividing large volumes of data returned by some endpoints into smaller chunks


When an endpoint returns a list of objects, pagination allows you to partition the dataset instead of accessing all the records at once.

Endpoints that implement pagination have the following optional query parameters:

Parameters page and pageSize allow you to iterate between pages.

Some endpoints use the sortBy parameter, which is a String containing both the sorting direction and the name of the sort-by field.

Other endpoints use two sort parameters:

  • direction - a String Enum indicating sort direction.
  • field - the name of the sort-by field

Pagination parameters

pageIntegerPage to search. Page numbering starts with 0.
pageSizeIntegerNumber of documents that will be returned per page.
Determines the maximum size of each page.
The default is 20.
sortByStringControls the sorting. Format: <field_name>.<asc|desc> (asc for ascending order, desc for descending order). If no order is specified, it will be in descending order.
directionString EnumSort direction. "ASC" for ascending or "DESC" for descending.
fieldStringName of the sort-by field