What is a pinned category?


A viewer on the FanHero platform can mark a content category as a favorite. This category will then appear on their My List page.

A pinned category object represents a category that a viewer marked as favorite.


To learn more about favorite categories, read My List Screen.


A pinned category object can have all or some of the following properties:

_idStringPinned category ID
accountStringThe account ID of the user who marked the category as favorite
categoryStringThe ID of the category that a user marked as favorite
pinnedBooleanIf True, the category is marked as favorite and shows on the user's My List page.
deletedBooleanIf True, the category has been deleted.
pinnedAtStringDate and time when the category was marked as favorite
createdAtStringDate and time when the pinned category object was created
updatedAtStringDate and time when the pinned category object was updated