Home Screen


This is the initial interface that users come across upon logging in to the platform or accessing an Organization that has a Public Accessibility Setting.

The Home screen can be customized and branded according to the specific needs and preferences of the Organization, including customizable lists of content that improve user engagement and navigation, by presenting the most relevant information and features to the user in an easy-to-access manner.

The channel home screen

The channel home screen

The difference between Single- and Multi-Channel Organizations is in the navigation bar. For a Single-Channel Organization, the Select a channel item would not be available.

The Home Screen has the following main sections:

  • Navigation bar;
  • Billboard;
  • Content lists, displayed as horizontal lists of content.

Billboard Section

A carousel section that is formed by a banner image, a title, a description and a button. Autoplay is on by default and the time interval is set to 5 seconds.

Billboard carousel

Billboard carousel

BannerThe billboard image that is uploaded by the admin in the Video Portal.
It uses a banner image for the web app and a cover image for the mobile versions (web and app).
TitleThe billboard title that is created in the Video Portal.
DescriptionThe billboard description that is created in the Video Portal.
ButtonsThe billboard call to action that is created in the Video Portal. Takes user to the link assigned to the button (e.g.: category, post, live event or external link).
Carousel indicatorIndicates how many slides are available in the carousel. Uses the indicator color of the Channel. Clicking on one of the rectangles takes user to that position of the billboard carousel.

Lists (Horizontal)

Lists present content in a horizontal format, following a sequential order. Lists may include text, images, and/or video posts, and are often used to organize content into a specific order. The order, name and content of the list can be created and managed through the Video Portal.

Each list has the following items:

  • Name of the section;
  • More: Link to more items. Uses the accent color of the Channel;
  • Card: Thumbnail of the content;
  • Arrows: Previous/next arrows. Arrows will not be displayed if there are no more items to be displayed.

When you hover the mouse over a thumbnail, additional information about that content is displayed below it. The information available depends on the type of content and the setting defined in the Video Portal.

Live Section (Horizontal List)

The Live section lists all Live and Upcoming live events ordered by scheduled date (oldest to newest).

When there are no live events happening or scheduled, the section is hidden. When there is a Live event in progress (Live), it will be the first thumbnail displayed on the left.

This section is refreshed every 20 seconds so users don't miss out any live events.


The Live events section


  • Clicking More takes user to Live tab.
  • Clicking on the arrows (next and previous) shows the next/previous thumbnail.
  • Clicking on a thumbnail takes the user to that specific Live event detail screen.

Featured Posts Section (Horizontal List)

This is a section of the platform that highlights specific posts that Admin users wish to showcase. Featured posts have their own section on the Home Screen, designed to draw attention to the most important or engaging content.

The Featured section lists all Posts marked as Featured in the Video Portal. The Posts in this Section are ordered by featured date (the date the post was marked as Featured) - from newest to oldest. In the event that there are no Posts marked as Featured, this Section will be hidden.

The Featured posts section

The Featured posts section


  • Clicking on the arrows (next and previous) shows the next/previous thumbnail.
  • Clicking on a thumbnail takes user to that specific Post detail screen.
  • There is an infinite scroll in this section and the small rectangles below it show how many pages of content are available.

Continue Watching Section (Horizontal List)

This section allows users to easily resume viewing content that they have previously started but not yet finished. It includes progress indicators that help the user keep track of where they left off.

The purpose of the continue watching section is to improve the user experience and encourage engagement by allowing users to easily resume watching content that they were previously interested in. This can help to increase user retention and reduce churn, as users are more likely to continue using the platform if they can easily find and resume the content they were previously enjoying.

This section will be hidden if there are no videos in the list.

The Continue Watching section

The Continue Watching section


  • Clicking on the arrows (next and previous) shows the next/previous thumbnail.
  • Clicking on a thumbnail takes users to that specific Post detail screen where they will be presented with a pop up asking if they want to Continue Watching that video or if they want to start from the beginning.

Featured Categories Section (Horizontal List)

Similar to the Featured Posts section, the Featured Categories section highlights specific categories of content that Admin users wish to showcase, encouraging users to explore further and engage with a wider variety of content on the platform.

The Featured Collections section lists all collections marked as "Featured" through the Video Portal, ordered by featured date (newest to oldest). If there are no collections marked as Featured, then this section is hidden.

The featured categories section

The featured categories section


  • Clicking More takes user to the Categories tab.
  • Clicking on the arrows (next and previous) shows the next/previous thumbnail.
  • Clicking on a thumbnail takes user to that specific Category detail screen.

Customized Sections (Horizontal List)

Customized lists of content are lists that are tailored to the specific needs of the Organization and they are manually curated by Admin users via Video Portal.

The lists are created to improve the user experience and increase engagement, highlighting trending or popular content within a specific category or genre, or promoting new or exclusive content.


  • Clicking More takes user to the Posts tab.
  • Clicking on the arrows (next and previous) shows the next/previous thumbnail.
  • Clicking on a thumbnail takes user to that specific Post or Category detail screen.

Collection and Sub-Collection Section (Horizontal List)

The Collection and Sub-Collection List Section displays a list of Sub-Collections thumbnails automatically grouped by their respective parent Collection. This functionality may, however, depend on the platform layout selected for your Organization.

If enabled, the platform will automatically display a list of Sub-Collections thumbnails grouped by their respective parent Collection in the Home Screen. However, even if this feature is enabled, this section will not display Collections that do not have Sub-Collections. In other words, in order for this section to be visible, a Collection must have at least one Sub-Collection.

In the event this feature is enabled, the Sub-Collections will be grouped by their parent Collection, and the name of the parent Collection will be displayed at the top of the list and the list of the Sub-Collection thumbnails will be displayed horizontally immediately below the title of the parent Collection.

Parent Category ("Content Monetization") with its Children Categories

Parent Category ("Content Monetization") with its Children Categories