To create or view a module, go to the Course page and scroll all the way to the bottom, where you’ll find the module section.
In this section, you can create both modules and lessons. Modules are optional and can be used based on how you want to structure your course. Keep in mind that any lessons not placed in a module will appear at the top of the course.
Add New Module
To manually add a new module to your course, click on Add New, then select Add Module. A text field will appear where you can enter the module name.
Enter the module name and click Save.
Edit Module
To edit a module, click the three-dot icon next to the module and select Edit. A text field will appear, allowing you to modify the module name.
Delete Module
To delete a module, click the three-dot icon next to the module and select Delete. This action will prompt a confirmation asking if you want to delete the module.
Reorder Modules
To reorder modules, just click on a module and drag it to your desired position.
To view the lessons within a module, click the arrow to expand the section. All lessons belonging to that module will be displayed.
Clicking on the three-dot icon next to a lesson will provide the following options:
- Edit: You will be redirected to the Edit Lesson screen, where you can make any necessary changes.
- Duplicate: You can duplicate the lesson, creating an identical copy.
- Delete: A confirmation prompt will appear, asking you to confirm the deletion of the lesson.
Reorder Lessons within a Module
To reorder the lessons, click on the hamburger icon next to the lesson name and drag it to the desired position.
Add Lesson
If you wish to add a lesson to an existing module, click on the three-dot icon next to the module and select Add Lesson. You will be redirected to the Add Lesson page, with the module name automatically populated.
Please visit the Lessons page for more information.
Level of Permission (Roles)
Available to Tenant, Super Admin and Admin users.
Updated 9 days ago