Video Post Detail Screen


The Video Post Detail Screen displays detailed information about a specific video post. This screen is accessed by clicking on a post card. Overall, this is an important screen of the platform, as it allows users to view and interact with individual posts in a more detailed way. It can help to engage users and keep them coming back to the platform for more content.

The Video Post Detail Screen (Playlist)

The Video Post Detail Screen (Playlist)

Video Player

The component that is designed to play video content. It allows users to view video content from their mobile devices.

Video Player Features

  • Play, Pause: Controls to start and pause the video playback.
  • 10 seconds forward and backward.
  • Seek: A slider or control that allows the user to skip forward or backward in the video.
  • Chromecast: Users can stream from their mobile device or computer and then send it to the Chromecast device with just a few taps or clicks.
  • Full-screen mode: A button that allows the user to switch to full-screen mode.
  • Subtitles: A feature that allows the user to display subtitles or closed captions on the video.

Picture-in-Picture (PiP)

This feature allows a video to be displayed in a small window overlayed on top of the application. The PiP window can be moved around the screen, and paused or played independently from the primary application.

To put a video in PiP mode, simply tap, hold and move the video player to the bottom of the screen. Once the video is in PiP mode, you can move it to the top of the screen or dock it to the side (left or right).

To open the Video Post Detail screen again, click the up arrow at the left corner of the PiP screen.

Title and Description

This section displays the title and the description of the Post.


This section displays the top 3 reactions the post has plus a smiley emoji where users can add different reactions. Clicking on it opens up a pop up with all available emojis. Any reactions that were already selected by the user will be highlighted using the accent color.


A video playlist is a collection of videos that are grouped together based on a specific theme or topic. It allows users to watch a series of videos in a pre-determined order or browse through a list of related videos conveniently.

This section will be available if the video post is associated with a playlist.

  • Title: Title of the playlist.
  • Autoplay next video: Ability for users to choose whether or not they want to play the next video automatically. If enabled, then the next video of the playlist will start automatically when the previous video ends.
  • Videos: List of videos that are part of the playlist. The video that is currently playing is highlighted.

Related Videos

This section refers to other videos that are related to the content being viewed. "Related" in this context means posts that are part of the same category.

If the post that is being viewed is not assigned to a Category, then this section will be hidden.


The component where users can leave comments, share their opinions, ask questions, or engage in a discussion with other users (replies) on a particular piece of content.

  • Count of comments: The total number of comments and replies a post has.
  • Avatar: Users the first letter of the username.
  • Comment field: Where users can type in the comment.
  • Username.
  • Timestamp: When the comment was added.
  • 3 dots: If it's your own comment, then you will see an option to Edit or Delete the comment. If it's a comment from a different user, then you will see an option to Report that comment.
  • Comment.
  • Upvote and downvote and their respective count.
  • Reply now: Button that opens a text field where the user can add a reply to a specific comment.

Available Customizations

  • Accent color (one color used throughout the app)

Any changes made to this section require a new build to be submitted to the app stores for approval.