My Feed
This section replicates the feed that end users view in the web application, with uploaded content arranged by publication date.
Administrators have the ability to manage and organize content within the platform: they can upload, edit, categorize, and remove content from the application.
The interface provides a search bar prominently displayed at the top, so users can enter titles, descriptions or any relevant information related to the content they are looking for.
The Customize Channel option provides a shortcut to your channel settings and customization. Clicking on it opens the Settings & Members section, with the Channel Name & Description tab preselected.
The Create button dropdown provides various options for creating content and products:
- Create Content: Choose from live, video, audio, image, or text content.
- Create Recurring Product: Set up subscription-based offerings.
- Create One-Time Product: Offer single-purchase items.
- Create Digital Product: Launch downloadable or virtual goods.
To learn more about each option, visit the corresponding page.
The platform allows you to add a banner, enhancing the visual appeal of your application. While adding a banner is optional, we highly recommend it for a more polished look. To add a banner, click the Add Image button and select a file from your computer.
You can crop the image to fit perfectly within the designated area. Use your mouse to zoom in or adjust the image sideways as needed.
To change or remove the banner, click the three-dot icon.
Select Change Banner to replace the current banner or Remove Banner to delete it.
Administrators can filter videos by the following criteria:
- Published Status: Choose between published or draft.
- Published: a list of published (posted) content. These posts are available to users;
- Draft: a list of posts that are in an unfinished or preliminary state and have not been published yet. These posts are not available to users.
- Published Date: Sort by most recent or oldest.
Understanding the elements and actions available on a Content card
Text Post
Item | Description |
Date | The published date of the post. If it is a draft post, then it shows the create date. |
Status | The status of the post. Published - the post is published and available to users. Publishing - the post is in the process of being published and will be available to users shortly. Draft - the post has not been published yet. |
Share | Share icon. Clicking on it will copy the post's URL so it can be shared. |
3-dot icon | Edit post - Clicking on it will take you to the Edit post screen. Delete post - Clicking on it will prompt a confirmation pop-up asking if you're sure you want to delete the post. |
Thumbnail | The image of the text post, if available. Clicking on it will open the post in the web application. |
Title | The title of the text post. |
Description | The description of the text post (a maximum of 250 characters will be displayed, with ellipsis if truncated). |
Reactions | The top 3 reactions added by users, displayed with the number of each reaction and the total number of reactions. |
Comments | The number of comments on the text post. |
Access icon | The level of access of the text post: - Public: no icon. - Exclusive: no icon. - Private: key icon. - Paywall: lock icon. - Digital Product: a "Digital Product" label is displayed. |
Image Post
Item | Description |
Date | The published date of the post. If it is a draft post, then it shows the create date. |
Status | The status of the post. Published - the post is published and available to users. Publishing - the post is in the process of being published and will be available to users shortly. Draft - the post has not been published yet. |
Share | Share icon. Clicking on it will copy the post's URL so it can be shared. |
3-dot icon | Edit post - Clicking on it will take you to the Edit post screen. Delete post - Clicking on it will prompt a confirmation pop-up asking if you're sure you want to delete the post. |
Thumbnail | The image of the post. Clicking on it will open the post in the web application. |
Title | The title of the image post. |
Description | The description of the image post (a maximum of 250 characters will be displayed, with ellipsis if truncated). |
Reactions | The top 3 reactions added by users, displayed with the number of each reaction and the total number of reactions. |
Comments | The number of comments on the image post. |
Access icon | The level of access of the image post: - Public: no icon. - Exclusive: no icon. - Private: key icon. - Paywall: lock icon. - Digital Product: a "Digital Product" label is displayed. |
Audio Post
Item | Description |
Date | The published date of the post. If it is a draft post, then it shows the create date. |
Status | The status of the post. Published - the post is published and available to users. Publishing - the post is in the process of being published and will be available to users shortly. Transcoding - the post is being transcoded. Draft - the post has not been published yet. |
Share | Share icon. Clicking on it will copy the post's URL so it can be shared. |
3-dot icon | Edit post - Clicking on it will take you to the Edit post screen. Delete post - Clicking on it will prompt a confirmation pop-up asking if you're sure you want to delete the post. |
Thumbnail | The image of the post. Clicking on it will open the post in the web application. |
Duration | The duration of the audio. |
Title | The title of the audio post. |
Description | The description of the audio post (a maximum of 250 characters will be displayed, with ellipsis if truncated). |
Reactions | The top 3 reactions added by users, displayed with the number of each reaction and the total number of reactions. |
Comments | The number of comments on the audio post. |
Access icon | The level of access of the audio post: - Public: no icon. - Exclusive: no icon. - Private: key icon. - Paywall: lock icon. - Digital Product: a "Digital Product" label is displayed. |
Video Post
Item | Description |
Date | The published date of the post. If it is a draft post, then it shows the create date. |
Status | The status of the post. Published - the post is published and available to users. Publishing - the post is in the process of being published and will be available to users shortly. Transcoding - the post is being transcoded. Draft - the post has not been published yet. |
Share | Share icon. Clicking on it will copy the post's URL so it can be shared. |
Views | The number of views of the video post. |
3-dot icon | Edit post - Clicking on it will take you to the Edit post screen. Delete post - Clicking on it will prompt a confirmation pop-up asking if you're sure you want to delete the post. |
Thumbnail | The thumbnail of the video post. Clicking on it will open the post in the web application. |
Duration | The duration of the video. |
Title | The title of the video post. |
Description | The description of the video post (a maximum of 250 characters will be displayed, with ellipsis if truncated). |
Reactions | The top 3 reactions added by users, displayed with the number of each reaction and the total number of reactions. |
Comments | The number of comments on the video post. |
Access icon | The level of access of the video post: - Public: no icon. - Exclusive: no icon. - Private: key icon. - Paywall: lock icon. - Digital Product: a "Digital Product" label is displayed. |
Level of Permission (Roles)
Available to Tenant, Super Admin, Admin and Content Manager users.
Updated 9 days ago