Create Audio


Audio content refers to media that is delivered and streamed to users through the platform. Administrators have the ability to manage and organize this content by uploading, editing, categorizing, and removing it from the application.

To create a new audio post, click on Create > Create Content and then select the Audio button.

Create Content

Create Content

You will be redirected to the Create Audio screen.

Create Video

Create Audio


The audio file can be uploaded from your computer or from the Upload Center. Files must have a max of 5GB and a supported format: mp3 or wav.

Depending on your platform's plan, you may have the option to generate audio using AI.

The Upload Center option will list all the media available where the type is "audio" and the status is ready (uploaded and transcoded).

There are some features available in the pop up to help administrators choose the audio they want:

  • Search: ability to search by file name.
  • Play audio: ability to click on a thumbnail and play the audio.
  • Uploaded date: ability to see when the audio was uploaded.
  • Upload Media: The option to upload an audio from your computer, even if you selected the Upload Center option.


This is the friendly name for your URL: A component of the URL that comes after the domain name and is used to uniquely identify a specific page.

It is a text field automatically generated from the post title but can be edited.

This is a required field and must be unique for both the post and the channel. It only accepts lowercase letters, numbers, and dashes, and does not allow special characters.

Artist & Album

Admin users have the ability to add the artist's name and album to an audio post. Both fields are optional.

If provided, this information will be displayed to end users.

Level of Access

The level of access of the post. It is a required field.

  • Default: this option is selected by default. The video post will inherit the level of access of the Channel.
  • Public: the post will be publicly available to anyone.
  • Exclusive (Login required): the post will be available to registered users.
  • Private (Password required): the post will be protected by a password. Only people with the password can access it. If this option is selected, a password is required (min of 4 characters).
  • Paywall: the post is behind a paywall and associated to one or more products. Only users who have purchased the product can access it. To select one or more products, click on the Select products dropdown. To create a new product, click on the Create a Product button.
Level of Access

Level of Access

Enable Teaser

Teasers offer a preview of the content. By activating a teaser, users can listen to a snippet of the audio, regardless of its access level.

Enable Teaser

Enable Teaser

The toggle is disabled by default. To add a teaser for the audio, simply enable the toggle.

Teaser Rules:

  • The audio must be at least 30 seconds long to enable the teaser feature.
  • Audios shorter than 3 minutes will generate a 10-second teaser.
  • Audios between 3 and 10 minutes will generate a 20-second teaser.
  • Audios longer than 10 minutes will generate a 30-second teaser.

Note: The first 10 seconds of the audio are skipped when creating the automatic teaser.

Select Thumbnail

The thumbnail of an audio post. A good thumbnail stands out and draws viewers’ attention.



The thumbnail is a required field. It can be uploaded from your computer or from the Upload Center. Depending on your plan, you may have the option to generate the thumbnail using AI.

Supported format: png, jpg, jpeg, svg, webp.


The title of your post should accurately reflect the main topic of the audio, providing enough information to engage listeners and help them understand the audio's relevance to their interests.

Post Title

Post Title

Required field: 1-250 characters.


The description of the post. The post description provides additional information about the audio content. It complements the audio post title by offering more context, details, or insights.

Some HTML tags are available, such as: heading tags (H1 and H2), bold, italic, underline, strikethrough and links.

Post Description

Post Description


Tags are effective tools for organizing and categorizing content. By using tags, administrators can provide users with a flexible and intuitive way to navigate and explore content within the channel.



An audio post can be associated to one or more tags.

New Tag

To create a new tag, click the New Tag button.

Create New Tag

Create New Tag

Advanced Settings


Categories allow you to organize the Channel content with a great degree of flexibility. For an increased flexibility, the system supports both Tags and Categories, however they are not the same. The behavior of Tags and Categories is different. Even though both are taxonomies (a grouping system) and similar to each other, Categories allow you to organize content in a broader way compared to Tags.



An audio post can be associated to one or more categories.

Allow Comments

Comments play a vital role in fostering engagement, allowing users to interact and enhance overall participation. Admin users have the option to enable or disable comments for a specific post.

Allow Comments

Allow Comments

Comments are disabled by default.

Push Notification

Administrators have the ability to send a push notification with the post. The option is disabled by default.

Push Notification

Push Notification

Both the title and description are required fields. If left empty, the platform will automatically use the title and description from the post.

Location (Geofence)

Similar to the Channel location, a post can have specific geographical boundaries or restrictions.



  • Include - a list of countries that will have access to the post.
  • Exclude - a list of countries that will not have access to the post.


  • Save Draft: The post will be saved as a draft and will not be visible to users.
  • Publish: The post will be published and made available to users.

Edit Audio Post

To edit an audio post, click the three-dot icon on the desired audio post and select Edit Post. The Details tab contains the same information as when the audio post was initially created. All fields are fully editable.

Level of Permission (Roles)

Available to Tenant, Super Admin, Admin and Content Manager users.