Channel Live Screen

Level of Permission (Roles)

Available to Tenant, Super Admin, Admin and Content Manager users.


The Live screen is the section of platform that allows users to view live video content, playing a crucial role in facilitating real-time communication and engagement, letting users to connect and participate in live events remotely.

In this section, the Live Screen can be customized, empowering administrators to tailor the interface to their specific preferences. It offers flexibility and control over the visual and interactive elements, ensuring a consistent and engaging experience for users.


The billboard section is a prominent and visually appealing area within the application where featured content is highlighted. It serves as a premium area to showcase recommended content to users and it is a valuable tool for promoting content, driving user engagement, and conveying important messages.

This section allows administrative users to create, edit, delete and organize billboards.

The Live Screen Customization

The Live Screen Customization

+ Add BillboardAdd Billboard button. Clicking on it will take you to the "Create Billboard" screen.
ThumbnailBillboard image.
TitleBillboard title.
DescriptionBillboard description.
OrderReordering icons.
EditEdit icon. Clicking on it will take you to the "Edit Billboard" screen.
DeleteDelete icon.

Create a Billboard

To create a new Billboard, click on the + Add Billboard button.

The Create Billboard Screen

The Create Billboard Screen

TitleThe title of the billboard.
Optional field, max of 70 characters.
DescriptionThe description of the billboard.
Optional field, max of 150 characters.
Desktop ImageThe desktop image of the billboard (shown in resolutions greater than 832px).

The ideal image is the one that helps with the text readability. The text is aligned to the bottom left and occupies 60% of the screen size.

The image can be uploaded from your computer or from the Upload Center.

Required field.
Mobile ImageThe mobile image of the billboard (shown in resolutions smaller than 832px).

The ideal image is the one that helps with the text readability. The text is centered and aligned to the bottom.

The image can be uploaded from your computer or from the Upload Center.

Required field.
PreviewPreview of images for both desktop and mobile.
CancelCancel button. Clicking on it will take you back to the Home Customization page.
CreateCreate button. If all validation criteria is met, the new billboard is created.

Billboards may include clear and prominent call-to-action buttons that prompt users to take specific actions. For example, a "Watch Now" button that can direct users to relevant sections (a post or a category) or external websites.

Content TypeA dropdown field: post, category or other (external link).

Optional field.
ContentThis field will depend on what was chosen in the Content Type field.

- Category: a dropdown with a list of published categories will be displayed.
- Post: a dropdown with a list of published posts will be displayed.
- Other: the field will be hidden if "Other" is selected.

Required field if Content Type is selected.
TextThe text of the button.

Optional field, between 1 and 20 characters.
IconThe icon of the button. A dropdown list of available icons is displayed.

Required field if Content Type is selected.
URL- If the content type is a post or a category, this field will be auto-populated with the correct slug and you will not be able to make any changes to the field.

- If the content type is other, then you must enter the external URL. It is a required field.
Background ColorThe background color of the button. You may select the color from the color palette or by adding a HEX or RGB color code.

Required field if Content Type is selected.
Border ColorThe border color of the button. You may select the color from the color palette or by adding a HEX or RGB color code.

Required field if Content Type is selected.
Text ColorThe text color of the button. You may select the color from the color palette or by adding a HEX or RGB color code.

Required field if Content Type is selected.

By clicking on the "Add Second Button" button, all fields above will be displayed again, this time for "Button 2".

Edit a Billboard

To edit an existing Billboard, click on the pencil (edit) icon next to the Billboard you want to make changes. This action will take you to the Edit Billboard screen.

All fields are editable and follow the same requirements as the Create Billboard section above.

Delete a Billboard

There are two ways to delete a billboard: from the list view, by clicking on the trash icon; or from the Edit Billboard screen by clicking on the Delete button.

This action requires a confirmation: clicking on the X button will dismiss the pop up and the billboard will not be deleted. Clicking on Confirm will dismiss the pop up, the billboard will be deleted and a confirmation message will be displayed.

Remove billboard confirmation pop up

Remove billboard confirmation pop up

Reorder Billboards

The content in the billboard section changes every 5 seconds, to provide fresh and varied content for users. This helps to maintain user interest.

Administrative users can choose in which order the billboards will be presented to the user by clicking the up down arrow next to a specific billboard and entering the new position. You must click on the purple checkmark to save the new position.

Reordering Billboards

Reordering Billboards

Carousels (Lists of Content)

Lists present content in a horizontal format, following a sequential order. The order, name and content of the list can be created and managed through this section.

  • Live: This section will display all the live events that are Live (i.e. events that are happening right now) in chronological order.

  • Upcoming: This section will display all the upcoming live events in chronological order.

  • Past Streams: This section will display previously conducted live events that have been recorded and made available for on-demand viewing (published).

By default, the name and order of the lists is the one described above. However, administrators have the ability to customize both.

Name of Lists

The name of the lists can be changed, in each language available in the platform. To edit the name of a list, click on the pencil icon, add a new name and click Update.

Reorder Lists

The order of the lists can be changed by clicking on the gray area and dragging it to the new position. Click on the Save button to make the changes available to users.

Reordering Lists

Reordering Lists

Delete Lists

Live Screen lists cannot be deleted, but they can be hidden. Administrative users may chose whether or not a list will be displayed for users by clicking on the eye icon. Crossed out eye icons mean the list will not be displayed to users.