Level of Permission (Roles)

Available to Tenant, Super Admin, Admin and Content Manager users.


Video content refers to the media content that is delivered and streamed to users through the platform. Administrators have the ability to manage and organize video content within the platform: they can upload, edit, categorize, and remove content from the application.

The Videos section

The Videos section

The interface provides a search bar prominently displayed at the top, so users can enter titles, descriptions or any relevant information related to the video content they are looking for.

There are two different views available: grid (default) or list.

List view

List view

Administrators have the ability to filter Videos by:

  • Categories: upon selecting a Category, a list of the videos assigned to that specific category will be displayed; and/or
  • Featured Videos: a list of "Featured" or "Non-featured" videos.
Video posts filtering options

Video posts filtering options

Depending on the video post publishing settings, videos will be displayed in one of the two available tabs:

  • Published: a list of published (posted) video posts, ordered by published date (newest to oldest). These video posts are available to users;
  • Draft: a list of video posts that are in an unfinished or preliminary state and have not been published yet. These video posts are not available to users.

Understanding the elements and actions available on a Video Post

ThumbnailThe thumbnail of the video post. Clicking on it will open a player and you will be able to play the video.
DurationThe duration of the video.
DateThe published date of the video post. If it is a draft post, then it shows the create date.
StarStar icon. Displayed on video posts that are "Featured".
TitleThe title of the video post.
AccessThe level of access of the video post.
EditPencil icon. Clicking on it will take you to the Edit Video post screen.
ShareShare icon. Clicking on it will copy the video post's URL so it can be shared.
DeleteDelete icon.
DownloadDownload button. Clicking on it will open a new tab from where you can download the video.
StatusThe status of the video post.
Published - the video post is published and available to users.
Transcoding - the video is being transcoded and will be available to users when status is Published.

Add Video Post

To create a new video post, click on the Add Video button. The first step of the Video creation flow is displayed.

Step 1: Add Video

Step 1: Add Video

The video content of your post can be uploaded from your computer or from the Upload Center. Files must have a max of 5GB and a supported format: avi, mkv, mpeg, mpg, mpeg4, mp4, m4v, mxf, mov.

The Upload Center option will list all the media available where the type is "video" and the status is ready (uploaded and transcoded).

Upload Center pop up

Upload Center pop up

There are some features available in the pop up to help administrators choose the video they want:

  • Search: ability to search by file name.
  • Play video: ability to click on a thumbnail and play the video.
  • Uploaded date: ability to see when the video was uploaded.

Once a video is selected from your computer or from the Upload Center, you will be redirected to the second part of the video creation flow.


A section that holds all the details of a video post.

Step 2: Add Video

Step 2: Add Video

CancelCancel button. Clicking on it will take you back to the Videos screen. The video post will not be created.
Save as DraftThe video post will be saved as a draft (not available to users).
PublishPublish button. If all validation criteria is met, the new video post is created.
VideoVideo container. It shows the video selected. Clicking on it will open the video player.
If a video is being uploaded from your computer, it will show the upload progress bar.
When a video is uploaded, the Replace Video button is displayed. Clicking on it will remove the video from the container.
File nameName of the video file.
DurationVideo duration.
SlugFriendly name for URL (a component of a URL that follows the domain name and is used to uniquely identify a specific page).
It is a text field that is derived from the post title by default but it can be edited.
It is a required field and must be unique for that entity (post) and channel.
It does not accept special characters, only letters (lower case), numbers and dashes.
TitleThe title of the video post.
It is a required field: 1-250 characters.
A good title accurately describes the video's main topic, provides enough information to entice viewers and help them understand the video's relevance to their interests.
DescriptionThe description of the video post.
It is an optional field: max 500 characters.
A video post description provides additional information about the video content. It complements the video post title by offering more context, details, or insights.
Some HTML tags are available, such as: heading tags (H1 and H2), bold, italic, underline, strikethrough and links.
ThumbnailThe thumbnail of a video post. A good thumbnail stands out and draws viewers’ attention.
It is a required field (a frame of the video will be added as a thumbnail if a custom thumbnail is not provided).
It can be uploaded from the computer or from the Upload Center.
Supported format: png, jpg, jpeg, svg, webp.
Share and MonetizationThe level of access of a video post. It is a required field.
- Default: this option is selected by default. The video post will inherit the level of access of the Channel.
- Public: the video post will be publicly available to anyone.
- Login required: the video post will be available to registered users.
- Password required: the video post will be protected by a password. Only people with the password can access it. If this option is selected, a password is required (min of 4 characters).
- Paywall: the video post is behind a paywall and associated to one or more products. Only users who have purchased the product can access it. To select one or more products, click on the Add Product button. To create a new product, click on the Create Product button.
CategoriesA video post can be associated to one or more categories.
It is an optional field.
TagsA video post can be associated to one or more tags.
It is an optional field.
PlaylistA video post can be associated to one or more playlists.
It is an optional field.
Featured PostA video post can be marked as Featured.
Featured posts will be displayed to users in a dedicated carousel.
Allow commentsA video post can have the comments section enabled or disabled.
It is disabled by default.
Hide from feedA video post can be displayed or hidden from the feed.
It is disabled by default which means the video post will be displayed in the feed.
LocationSimilar to the Channel location, a video post can have specific geographical boundaries or restrictions.
Include - a list of countries that will have access to the video post.
Exclude - a list of countries that will not have access to the video post.
It is an optional field.


In this tab, administrators have the ability to send a push notification with the video post. The option is enabled by default. If you don't want to notify the users about the new video post, you can disable the toggle.

The Promote tab

The Promote tab

Title and description are both required fields, but if they are empty, the platform will use the same information from the video post (title and description, respectively).

Edit Video Post

To edit a video, click on the pencil icon next to the video post you want to edit.


Edit Video screen

Edit Video screen

CancelCancel button. Clicking on it will take you back to the Videos screen. The video post will not be updated.
Save as DraftThe video post will be saved as a draft (not available to users).
UpdateUpdate button. If all validation criteria is met, the video post is updated.
VideoVideo container. It shows the video file. Clicking on it will open the video player.
Replace Video button: clicking on it will remove the video from the container. You will be able to add a new video (from your computer or from the Upload Center).
File nameName of the video file.
DurationVideo duration.
SlugFriendly name for URL (a component of a URL that follows the domain name and is used to uniquely identify a specific page).
It is a text field that is derived from the post title by default but it can be edited.
It is a required field and must be unique for that entity (post) and channel.
It does not accept special characters, only letters (lower case), numbers and dashes.
To make changes, click on the pencil icon. To copy the URL, click on the copy button.
TitleThe title of the video post.
It is a required field: 1-250 characters.
A good title accurately describes the video's main topic, provides enough information to entice viewers and help them understand the video's relevance to their interests.
To make changes, click on the pencil icon.
DescriptionThe description of the video post.
It is an optional field: max 500 characters.
A video post description provides additional information about the video content. It complements the video post title by offering more context, details, or insights.
Some HTML tags are available, such as: heading tags (H1 and H2), bold, italic, underline, strikethrough and links.
To make changes, click on the pencil icon.
ThumbnailThe thumbnail of a video post. A good thumbnail stands out and draws viewers’ attention.
It is a required field (a frame of the video will be added as a thumbnail if a custom thumbnail is not provided).
It can be uploaded from the computer or from the Upload Center.
Supported format: png, jpg, jpeg, svg, webp.
Share and MonetizationThe level of access of a video post. It is a required field.
- Default: this option is selected by default. The video post will inherit the level of access of the Channel.
- Public: the video post will be publicly available to anyone.
- Login required: the video post will be available to registered users.
- Password required: the video post will be protected by a password. Only people with the password can access it. If this option is selected, a password is required (min of 4 characters).
- Paywall: the video post is behind a paywall and associated to one or more products. Only users who have purchased the product can access it. To select one or more products, click on the Add Product button. To create a new product, click on the Create Product button.
CategoriesA video post can be associated to one or more categories.
It is an optional field.
TagsA video post can be associated to one or more tags.
It is an optional field.
PlaylistA video post can be associated to one or more playlists.
It is an optional field.
Featured PostA video post can be marked as Featured.
Featured posts will be displayed to users in a dedicated carousel.
Allow commentsA video post can have the comments section enabled or disabled.
Hide from feedA video post can be displayed or hidden from the feed.
LocationSimilar to the Channel location, a video post can have specific geographical boundaries or restrictions.
Include - a list of countries that will have access to the video post.
Exclude - a list of countries that will not have access to the video post.
It is an optional field.


The embedding feature allows you to seamlessly incorporate your video into another website or platform, providing additional value and functionality.

In this tab, you have the ability to modify the visual appearance of the player interface by selecting one of the available skins (see Player Customization https://docs.fanhero.com/docs/brandingfor more information about skins). You have access to the embed code that can be copied and integrated into the destination platform.


This tab contains analytics information about a video post. It gathers data and insights regarding the performance and engagement of that specific video. It provides valuable information to administrators, helping them understand how the video is being received and how viewers are interacting with it.

  • Reactions: the total number of reactions of a video post.
  • Comments: the total number of comments/replies of a video post.
  • Views: the total number of views of a video post.
  • Watch: the total watch time of a video post.
  • Watch Time by Days chart: a chart that shows the total watch time by day for the last 7 days.
  • Watch Time by Users: a list of users and their respective watch time (by day). The list can be exported to a csv file.

Delete a Video Post

To delete a video post, click on the Delete (trash) icon next to the video post you want to delete. This action requires a confirmation: clicking on the X button will dismiss the pop up and the video post will not be deleted. Clicking on Confirm will dismiss the pop up, the video post will be deleted and a confirmation message will be displayed.

Remove video post confirmation pop up

Remove video post confirmation pop up