Login Screen


If the application has an Exclusive accessibility setting, or if users click on the Sign in button, they will be redirected to this screen.

Login screen

Login screen

Color ThemeYes, per OrganizationDark or light, one theme per Organization. The example above uses the dark theme.
Organization logoYes, per OrganizationUploaded by the admin through the Portal.
Language selectorNoA list of pre-defined language selections.
Three options are available: English, Spanish and Portuguese.
Welcome to FanHeroNoDefault text. Uses the name of the Organization.
"Welcome to "
To get started, log in to your accountNoDefault text.
Social login optionsYes, per OrganizationSocial login may be available or hidden per Organization.
When social login is enabled, the list platforms is customizable. Available options are Google, and Facebook.
EmailNoRequired field. For validation requirements, see Field validation.
PasswordNoRequired field. For validation requirements, see Field validation.
Login buttonNoUses the primary color of the Organization.
Forgot password?NoAllows user to create a new password.
Uses the accent color of the Organization.
Don't have an account? Sign up hereNoRedirects the user to the Sign-Up Screen.
Uses the accent color of the Organization.
Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy linksNoLink to your Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy pages.

Field validation

  • Email: must be a valid email associated with a registered account.
  • Password: minimum length of 8 characters, at least 1 uppercase letter, 1 lowercase letter, 1 number, and 1 special character.

Resetting your Password

When a user clicks the Forgot password? link on the login screen, they are redirected to the Forgot Password screen.

Forgot Password screen

Forgot Password screen

Forgot your password? No problem!NoDefault text
We will send to your email a link to reset your passwordNoDefault text
EmailNoRequired field. Must be a valid email associated with a registered account.
Send buttonNoUses the primary color of the Organization.

After the user enters a valid address email and clicks Send, an email is sent to the email address with a link to reset the password.

Confirmation of link sent

Confirmation of link sent

Upon clicking on the link sent and meeting all the requirements, a new password is set and a confirmation message is displayed.

The UI elements on this screen are not customizable.