Channel Side Menu

Level of Permission (Roles)

Available to Tenant, Super Admin, Admin and Content Manager users.


The side menu customization provides administrators with flexibility to create a navigation structure that suits the needs of their platform. By adding external links, access to external resources or websites can be incorporated directly within the admin portal, making it convenient for users to access relevant information from a centralized location.

The Side Menu Customization

The Side Menu Customization

Create a Menu Item

To create a new menu item, click on the + New Item button.

Creating a new menu item

Creating a new menu item

TitleThe title of the menu item.
Required field, max of 30 characters.
URLThe URL of the menu item.
Required field, max of 255 characters.

If you are creating a Parent item, it will not have a URL linked to it. In this case, you must add a "-" to the field.
Is this a child item?Toggle.
Optional field.

If you are creating a Child item, you must enable this toggle. Doing so will open a dropdown with a list of all parent items available.
CancelCancel button.
Clicking on it will dismiss the pop up and the new menu item will not be created.
CreateCreate button.
If all validation is met, the new menu item will be created.

Update a Menu Item

To update a menu item, you can click the pencil (edit) icon and make any changes. A pop up with all the information about the menu item will be displayed.

Updating a menu item

Updating a menu item

All fields can be edited and the menu item will be updated if all the validation criteria is met and the Update button is clicked. Clicking the Cancel button will dismiss the pop up and the changes to the menu item will not be saved.

Delete a Menu Item

To delete a menu item, you can click the trash (delete) icon. This action requires a confirmation: clicking on the X button will dismiss the pop up and the menu item will not be deleted. Clicking on Confirm will dismiss the pop up, the menu item will be deleted and a confirmation message will be displayed.

Deleting a menu item

Deleting a menu item

Reorder Menu Items

The order the menu items will be displayed to users can be customized by clicking the up down arrow and selecting the new position of a specific item. You must click on the purple checkmark to save the new position.

Reordering menu items

Reordering menu items